Saturday, March 27, 2010

Basic Needs...

from our childhood we all knew that there was 5 basic needs... but now we have come to this position that we ourselves dont know how many basic needs there are... actually this basic needs are quite different for every person... since it is called basic needs so the needs should b common to all... so judging everyones common needs one of my respective elder brother told me the followings are now the basic needs of human being... here goes nothing ;)

1. food
2. cloth
3. home
4. medicine
5. education

these five are those needs which we all knew...

6. electricity
7. sex
8. cell phone
9. internet (for the teenager who lives in town)

these four are THOSE basic needs which are more important than the first 5 needs which we had before... in this growing populated country Bangladesh there is a common phrase... which is "khaiia na khaiia chudsi" hearing this kind of pharase we can even say that sex is more important than food... so can we say sex is the 1st basic need of human being ? what do yu say ?

p.s. im sorry for using some bad words above... i had no options... =] cheers....

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